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Master Closing Win-Win Deals

Agreeing a win-win outcome is  the only way to close deals in today’s SaaS economy.


In the previous On-Premise economy sellers could win and buyers could lose, but the sellers would never enjoy substantial further business from these clients.


In today’s world where clients are asked to renew their contracts on a term basis, deals have to be struck that are highly beneficial for both parties.

Why Master Closing Win-Win Deals?

Closing the deal on time is key to successfully selling. Find out how to work with your champion to secure a contract where both you and your client win.

Win-Win Negotiations

Win-Win Negotiations

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You will learn how to:

  • Learn the rules of win-win negotiations.

  • Work with your champion to find the deal that their company will accept.

  • Understand the psychology and personality type of buyers.

  • Master the closing techniques that set up a win-win outcome.

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